
How To Turn Instagram Notifications On Iphone

Adjust your iPhone's Notification Center settings for visible or audible Instagram alerts.

... Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The Instagram app's settings enable you to dictate whether or not it should notify you on what topic (likes, comments or mentions) and from whom (everyone or people you follow). But unless you configure your iPhone to alert you also, you will see only your desired notifications when you launch the Instagram app. To change this, tweak your iPhone's Notification Center settings.

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  • Choose an Alert Style
  • Turn On Alert Style Switches
  • Enable Other Alert Options

1 Choose an Alert Style

Tap your "Settings" app and then touch "Notification Center." Scroll down to tap the "Instagram" app icon and reveal its notification options. Select an alert style other than None. Bear in mind that a Banner signal appears only fleetingly on your iPhone's screen while an an Alert remains there until you tap it away.

2 Turn On Alert Style Switches

For additional Instagram alerts you can see or hear on your iPhone, toggle the Badge App Icon and Sound switches to "On." Henceforth, your iPhone will post the number of new Instagram notifications that await you on the app's icon, and a tone will signal each incoming notification.

3 Enable Other Alert Options

Your iPhone has a Notification Center that collects your notifications in one spot so that you can read or re-read them when you have time. If you wish, toggle the "Show in Notification Center" switch to "On" to hold your Instagram notifications there for later review. Likewise, switch on "Show in Locked Screen" to view your alerts even while the iPhone is locked.

About the Author

Since 1988, Diana Faustmann has been writing on technology, business and culture. Her articles have appeared in various print publications, corporate websites and authoritative online sites. Faustmann holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of the Philippines.

How To Turn Instagram Notifications On Iphone


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